21-25 June 2024

Davao City – The Commission’s Technical team has concluded the two-day Policy Research Mapping and Gender Audit of the Bangsamoro Transitional Authority (BTA) Parliament’s Policies. The activity, which was conducted in collaboration with the Policy Research and Legal Services and with expertise and support from Miriam Colleges’ Women and Gender Institute (WAGI), aimed to assess the current policy landscape and identify gender mainstreaming gaps in the policies and programs of the Bangsamoro Government.

“I am confident that by the end of this workshop, we will have a deeper understanding of the gender responsiveness of BTA policies in the BARMM. This knowledge will be crucial in informing our advocacy efforts and formulating more effective gender-responsive policies that truly empower women in the Bangsamoro region” – BWC Executive Director Faujiah Abdullah said as she opened the activity.

Dr. Nassef Manabilang Adiong, Director of the Policy Research and Legal Services underscored the thematic areas of the audit which include Gender Governance and Administrative Analysis, Gender Social Economic Analysis (MHPSS & WASH), Gender Culture & Religious Analysis, Gender Peace & Security, and Gender Infrastructure & Environment Analysis. The comprehensive review involved an examination of BTA Parliament’s existing laws.

A tool formulation for the gender audit process was also considered to aid in auditing the policies enacted and formulated by the BTA Parliament and policy-making agencies. Ms. Rahima Silongan, BWC Maguindanao Chief of Staff, concluded the activity by commending the team for reviewing the 58 BAAs which also aligns with the Commission’s mandate and emphasized how the result can help the lawmakers in formulating impactful policies.

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